First Five Tuolumne
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First Five
Californians believe that our state’s children are a top priority. That’s why in 1998, voters passed Proposition 10, adding a 50-cent tax to each pack of cigarettes sold to create First 5 California, also known as the California Children and Families Commission. First 5 California is dedicated to improving the lives of California’s young children and their families through a comprehensive system of education, health services, childcare, and other crucial programs. Since its creation, First 5 California has brought these critical services to millions of parents, caregivers, and children ages 0 to 5, and we’re striving to reach thousands more every day.
First 5 California distributes funds to local communities through the state’s 58 individual counties, all of which have created their own local First 5 county commissions. Eighty percent of the annual revenues are allocated to the 58 county commissions, while the remaining 20 percent fund the state’s overall guiding programs and administrative costs. The amount of funding provided to each First 5 county commission is based upon the area’s birth rate. Funds are used to address the local needs of communities statewide.

First Five Tuolumne Contact
Sarah Garcia
Executive Director
First Five Tuolumne
Mission &
The First 5 Tuolumne County Commission promotes and supports the development of integrated resources that will:
- strengthen families and support safe home environments,
- strengthen early care and education environments, and
- improve children’s health.
Tuolumne County is child-friendly, values families, and respects and honors the diversity of its residents.
Citizens of Tuolumne County recognize that home and child care settings are critical contexts for children’s development in the early years.
All Tuolumne County children will thrive in supportive, nurturing, and loving family and community environments, enter school healthy and ready to learn, and become productive members of the community.