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Computer Science Education Week

Help students uncover the joy of learning computer science!

Bring computer science to your school. Start with an Hour of Code!

With technology changing every industry on the planet, computing knowledge has become part of a well-rounded skill set. But just half of all schools offer computer science! Good news is, we’re on our way to change this. If you’ve heard about the Hour of Code, you might know that it has made history. More than 100 million students have discovered how accessible and fun computer science can be by doing just one Hour of Code.

The Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science designed to demystify code and show that anybody can learn the basics. Learn more at, try an hour yourself, or host an Hour of Code event to introduce others to the world of computing!


Why Computer Science?

Computer science is foundational

Computer science is changing every industry on the planet. Every 21st-century student should have the opportunity to learn how to create technology. Computer science concepts also help nurture creativity and problem-solving skills to prepare students for any future career.

Economic opportunity for all

Computing occupations are the fastest-growing, best-paying, and now the largest sector of all new wages in the US. Every child deserves the opportunity to succeed.

Students also love it!

Recent surveys show that among classes students “like a lot,” computer science and engineering rank near the top—only performing arts, art, and design are higher.

Together, we can solve the diversity gap in computer science

Women who try AP Computer Science in high school are ten times more likely to major in it in college, but female students currently only make up 30% of high school CS classrooms, and those ratios don’t change in the workforce! An Hour of Code is a great place to start addressing the diversity gap and introducing computer science to more girls in an engaging and empowering way!