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School Site Council


Site Council

The School Site Council (SSC) is a team of school stakeholders that includes the principal, parents, teachers, and other school staff.

The Site Council meets once per month, on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 3:30 PM. SSC Meeting Meetings are an opportunity to provide input on our school plans and programs.

The meetings will be in person, by phone, or via Zoom. Depending on the number of parents interested, elections may be held.


Site Council Contacts

Diana Harford

School Site Council


The purpose of the School Site Council (SSC) is to advise the administrator on the educational processes of the school. The SSC improves communication and allows all stakeholders to provide input and voice to the school goals. The SSC provides for a cooperative environment and two-way communication between all school stakeholders.

Some of the responsibilities of the SSC include:

  • Provide input and approval of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
  • Provide input and approval of the school Safety Plan
  • Discuss the budget of supplemental resources to meet the needs of Title 1 students and English Learners as they apply to the SPSA
  • Implement the SPSA
  • Revise the SPSA to meet the changing needs of the school environment and students
  • Review and evaluate how successfully the plan meets the stated goals